Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I've won an award... :)

The Liebster Blog award! "Liebster, for those of you who cannot speak German, means "friend" and is aimed at those who have fewer than 200 followers.Right now I have less than 200, but some day I'll have more.  At any rate, here are the rules...
 - Link back to the person who gave you the award.  Check out her blog here.
- Pick five other people to give the award to and notify them on their blog.
- Post the award on your blog.
- Bask in the camaraderie of the most supportive people on the Internet—other writers.
- And best of all—have bloggity fun and spread the love.
It will also be fun to follow the blogs back and join more than the other winner blogs who accompany yours.

The winners are...drum roll, please......
Mandi Tucker Slack, author of "The Alias," a gripping suspense novel with a touch of romance and a sprinkling of religion. Just a sprinkling, enough to wet the pallet. :) Check it out!!
Terron James has written The Beholder series, which I have yet to read...but I'm sure they're fabulous!
Stephanie Peterson Abney reviews books and writes...and is darn good at it. :) Check it out!!
Paulette Inman (Pendragon) binds books and writes! Check it out!!
Roseanne Wilkins writes and has a fun blog full of book reviews and other random writing thoughts.
GO CHECK OUT THESE BLOGS AND FOLLOW THEM!!! Sorry...ahem...didn't mean to yell.Pass on the love and lets see how many followers we can help others get.